제7회 이화-예일 학회 <아시아와 그 너머로 연결된 사물들: 새로운 생태기술을 위한 사물의 융합> (2023.05.26)
주 제 | 아시아와 그 너머로 연결된 사물들: 새로운 생태기술을 위한 사물의 융합 |
구 성 | Registration: 9:30-9:50 Opening Session: 9:50-10:40 (Chair: Youn-mi Kim, Ewha) Opening Remarks: Jinhee Kim, Director (EIH) / Hwansoo Kim, Director (CEAS) Keynote Lecture: Laurel Kendall (American Museum of Natural History/Columbia University) and Ni Wayan Pasek Ariati (School for International Training program for Indonesia), A Balinese Temple Mask—Connecting and Mixing Up Break 10:40-11:00 Session 1: 11:00-12:30 Added Layers and Hues (Chair: Injoong Kim, CEAS) Mira Kim (Ewha), Japanese Scarlet in Full Bloom on Royal Handcraft of Late Chosŏn Dynasty Denise Leidy (Yale), Clay and Glass in East and West Asia, 6th – 12th Century Hyojeong Yoon (Ewha), Fish and Seaweed Motifs on Blue-and-White Porcelains in Yuan Dynasty and its Travels to Chosŏn Korea and Vietnam Discussant: Jungeun Lee (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies) Lunch 12:30-2:00 Session 2: 2:00-3:30 Shifting and Reshaping Boundaries (Chair: Kathy Rupp, CEAS) Erik Harms (Yale), Shadows of Saigon: How to Be Cool in a Hot City Hyon Ju Lee (Ewha), The Mobility of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus, Imported Smallpox Vaccine, and American Society in the Early Twentieth-Century Eilin Rafael Perez (Yale), Envisaging Koreas: Historicizing Projections of Progress across Cold War Divides Discussant: Jongho Kim (Sogang Univ) Break: 3:30-4:00 Session 3: 4:00-5:30 Knowledgeable Things, Multispecies Realities (Chair: Richard Sosa, CEAS) Kuang Chi Hung (National Taiwan University), Acacia confusa and Taiwanese Society: A Multispecies History Jung Lee (EIH), Housed Cranes and Migrating Things in late Chosŏn Korea: Things Connecting "Early Modern" Knowledge Transformations Sangkyu Shin (EIH), Infosphere and Human Being as Inforgs (Ewha Institute for the Humanities) Discussant: Hanah Sung (KAIST) Dinner: 6:00 |
일 시 | 2023년 5월 26일(금), 9:30 ~ 18:00 |
장 소 | 이화여자대학교 박물관 |
주 최 | 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원, Yale MACMILLAN CENTER, 이화인문과학원, 이화여대 지역사 세계사 교육연구팀 |
후 원 | 한세예스24문화재단, 이화여자대학교 박물관, 한국연구재단(NRF) |